Module 8: Expectations of the Relationship


List the five stages of relationship development
Match times in the ChalleNGe cycle when stages will most likely occur
Review various examples of mentor and cadet relationship challenges

Key Points

Like any relationship, there will be challenges. Preparing ahead of time for these challenges will help the long-term success of your partnership.  Review the Relationship presentation to the right of your screen to acclimate you to some of the possible scenarios you may encounter. 


___ Review the Resources
___ Complete Activities

1 Resources

  • 1 Document - Stages of a Mentoring Relationship: This document defines relationship development in three phases – developing report and building trust, the middle – reaching goals, and closure – while giving examples of how you can support and engage with your cadet in each phase. 

1 Activities

  • Facebook: Like the WI National Guard Challenge Academy page on Facebook to receive program notifications and comunicate with other Mentors, Parents, and Cadets.

  • 1 In regards to the mentor/mentee relationship, list two expectations that you have of your mentee. 
    In regards to the mentor/mentee relationship, list two expectations that you have of yourself. 
    In regards to the mentor/mentee relationship, list two expectations that you have of your time together with your mentor. 
    Use this list as a start for your conversation with your mentee regarding expectations.  Be sure to make the expectations realistic and achievable. 

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